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  • Lab Testing at MyVet in Dublin

What if your pet has to have some tests?

Blood Tests

The most common test we do in our clinic is a blood test. Because our patients are generally hairier than their human counterparts we usually have to shave some fur to allow us to find a vein! Pet owners can expect a small shaved patch on their pet’s paw or neck depending on which site we use to collect our sample.

Like human medicine some cold alcohol is applied to the skin for sterility purposes and to help numb it before we take the sample. The pet feels a little pinch and for the most part they are very tolerant of us. Unlike the doctor, the vet will generally offer a treat post blood test!

We are in the fortunate position of having some excellent blood testing machines so we are usually able to deliver results to our clients on the same day.

We also use an external laboratory for the more complex blood tests we require, like allergy testing. A courier delivers any samples we might have daily. The laboratory we use is very efficient, emailing results to us promptly ensuring we can contact our pet owners as soon as possible.

Skin scrapes

Occasionally when we are treating pets who are itchy we will do some skin scrapings and hair plucks, searching for deep burrowing mites not seen with the naked eye. These tiny parasites look quite shocking under a microscope!

Urine samples

Occasionally we will want to take a urine sample – to check for infection, urinary crystals, signs of diabetes and much more.

Generally we send an owner home with a sampling kit and ask that they try to take a morning sample for us. It can be tricky so please ask for tips! We then ask that they drop the sample into us as soon as possible after collection. We can really learn quite a lot about our pet’s health from such a sample.

“Our dog Digsy, a staffie, was very ill with pancreatitis a few weeks before Christmas. It was touch and go, he was hospitalised for nearly two weeks. Under the care of Nuala, Rebecca and the veterinary nurses his health improved drastically and he was well enough to come home for Christmas. The staff were extremely caring and kept us informed along the way, knowing how hard this was on us. Afterwards they advised a diet and insulin plan and he is back to his happy, crazy self!” Mandy

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