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  • MyVet in Dublin, vet care emergencies

MyVet provides a 24 hour veterinary emergency service in Dublin, 365 days per year.

What this means

All of our veterinary practices deal with emergencies and urgent cases every day. Emergencies can still happen when our clinics are closed and some pets need round the clock care.

MyVet Lucan Hospital in Dublin is staffed 24 hours of the day with vets and nurses meaning we can provide the highest possible level of service for your pets.

There is always veterinary care available in the event of an emergency.

What to do in an emergency

Your local vet clinic is best placed to deal with any emergencies that occur during opening hours. However, when are clinics are closed, please use the below numbers in case of emergency.

When we are closed, if your pet need urgent veterinary attention, please call:


Sundays/Bank holidays 10am-4pm: 016010060

All other times:  015175213


Please be aware our emergency service operates from our Lucan branch

Visits outside of normal hours incur additional cost. 

If you are concerned that your pet is unwell please get in touch and we will look after you as soon as possible.


Please be aware that due to the high cost of providing this service we charge higher rates on Sundays/Bank Holidays and outside of normal clinic opening hours.

We also provide out of hours and emergency services for the following veterinary clinics:

My Vet Firhouse:

My Vet Lucan:

My Vet Maynooth:

My Vet Celbridge:

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