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myvet Frequently Asked Questions

In this section we answer your most commonly asked questions.

In what areas does MyVet provide veterinary services?

MyVet Maynooth – Maynooth, Celbridge, Leixlip, Straffan, Kilcock, Kilcloon, Dunboyne and surrounding areas.

MyVet Lucan – Lucan, Palmerstown, Leixlip, Celbridge, Newcastle and surrounding areas.

MyVet Firhouse – Firhouse, Knocklyon, Rathfarnha, Terenure, Templeogue, Tallaght and surrounding areas.

Do you do operations at MyVet?

Yes, our vets operate Monday – Friday. We carry out routine operations like neutering as well as more complex surgeries like cruciate ligament repair or lump removals, gastrointestinal surgery and many others.

How much does it cost to see the vet?

Please ask for a price when you book an appointment. We usually charge a consultation fee, which allows for a 15-minute appointment, history, physical exam and treatment plan. Medications, treatments, and additional tests cost extra. Please ask for up to date consultation fees when you book. Pets who are members of health plans get free visits Monday to Saturday – this excludes cost of medications.

I have a new puppy – what vaccines does he need?

All puppies need at least two vaccines. They can start their primary vaccinations from 6 weeks old and can complete the course as early as 10-12 weeks of age. We also recommend a vaccine at 16-18 weeks of age. The first annual booster will then be due when your puppy is 16 months of age. We can advise you what your puppy needs and when, depending on whether they have received any vaccinations before coming to you.

These vaccinations protect puppies and adult dogs from life threatening diseases, the most common of these being parvovirus. If a puppy is not fully vaccinated it is dangerous for them to mix with other dogs or to be in public places. It is a common misconception that puppies can only get sick from direct contact with other dogs.

If you are not sure if your puppy has had a full set of vaccinations call into us with your vaccination record and we can advise you. On completing puppy vaccinations every adult dog is then given one booster vaccine per year, to ensure continued protection.

I have a new kitten – what vaccines does she need?

All kittens need at least two vaccines. They can start their primary course from 9 weeks old and complete it at 12 weeks old. We also now advise a third vaccine at 16 weeks of age. We are happy to discuss what vaccines your kitten will need depending on whether they have received vaccines before coming to you and whether they will be outdoor or indoor cats.

Just like puppies, these vaccines protect kittens from life threatening diseases. So, it is dangerous to let kittens out or mix with other cats before completing their primary vaccinations.

Having completed kitten vaccines all adult cats receive an annual booster vaccine which ensures continued protection. If you are not sure what vaccines your kitten needs please call into us with your vaccination record and we’ll be happy to advise you.

Why neuter/spay and what’s involved?

We recommend neutering all cats and dogs unless their owner plans to breed from them. We advise this for two main reasons:

  1. to prevent health problems when they are older
  2. to reduce the number of unwanted kittens and puppies in Ireland.

Female cats and dogs

It has been proven that if female cats and dogs are neutered before they have their first heat (or have a season) they are highly unlikely to get mammary cancer later in life, the equivalent of breast cancer. Neutering also prevents nasty life-threatening womb infections. When we neuter or spay female cats and dogs, we make an incision in their tummy and remove their ovaries and uterus (womb). After being neutered females will not come into season and cannot get pregnant.

Male cats and dogs

In male animals the incidence of testicular cancer and prostate problems is significantly reduced by neutering. In the case of male cats neutering, particularly if it is done at 6 months old, reduces the incidence of spraying and roaming. Unneutered male cats and dogs are more likely to stray and get into fights – which for cats can lead to contracting nasty life-threatening viruses like FIV or FeLV. When we neuter male dogs and cats, we remove both testicles through a small skin incision.

What happens when it is time to say goodbye to a pet?

We know that this is the most difficult and most heart-breaking part of owning a pet. If you are not sure whether the time is right, please talk to our staff – we are happy to advise and sometimes there’s hope in a seemingly hopeless situation.

If and when a decision is made, we will try to book your pet in at a quiet time during the day. Most of our team have unfortunately been in your shoes and know how painful it is. It is so important to us that you have a peaceful goodbye with your pet, spending as much time with them as you need.

What’s involved?

Having discussed everything with you, our vet will usually get the nurse to help put in a small IV – this involves a little pinch on their paw and is completed in a few minutes. This means when we inject the medication it will go straight into your pet’s bloodstream and won’t hurt. We generally don’t need to give anything to relax pets unless they are very stressed. Every owner is different- some want to be with their pet while they are put to sleep, some do not. We will accommodate whatever you feel is right for you. Once we have our IV in place owners can hold their pets in their arms while they are put to sleep. It is generally a peaceful time – the medication is a version of an anaesthetic, so the pet feels like they are going to sleep. Pet owners can take as long as they need with their pets after, often keeping their collar or cutting a lock of hair.

What happens after?

If you decide to have your pet cremated, you have the option of getting their ashes back. Many pet owners find it incredibly comforting to get their pet back home. We will discuss the various options with you before we go ahead so you can make an informed decision.

My Vet Firhouse:

My Vet Lucan:

My Vet Maynooth:

My Vet Celbridge:

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