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  • Join us for a one day CVE event

6 CVE CREDITS* Free Registration

Gastro Intestinal Surgery Ophthalmology Dentistry

Wednesday October 4th 9:00am - 5:00pm

Clayton Hotel Liffey Valley

Meet our specialists and our referral teams Lunch and refreshments provided Our team will be available through the day to answer questions you may have about your own cases.

Click this link to register or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Speakers:

  • cve event ciaran Ciaran Jones MyVet - Specialist Surgeon
  • cve event javier Javier Rincon-Alvarez MyVet - Specialist Surgeon
  • cve event nora Nora Schwitzer MyVet - Veterinary Dentist
  • cve event mike Mike Woods Primrose Hill Veterinary - Ophthalmologist

*Credits Subject to VCI approval

My Vet Firhouse:

My Vet Lucan:

My Vet Maynooth:

My Vet Celbridge:

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