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  • MyVet RVN walks over 100km to raise money for charity

MyVet RVN walks over 100km to raise money for Dogs Trust Ireland!

Niamh Flattery, who is a registered veterinary nurse at MyVet in Maynooth, laced up her walking boots at the start of October as part of the 99k for canines walking challenge organised by Dogs Trust Ireland. 

The aim of the month-long challenge was to help raise money for Dogs Trust Ireland as it continues its work to help stray and abandoned dogs and puppies. 

Niamh completed her 99km three days before the end of the month and clocked up the majority of her total 105km by walking around her hometown of Edenderry or close to MyVet’s Maynooth practice before or after shifts.Dubln vet walks 100km for dogs trust charity

As part of the challenge, Niamh was accompanied on her walks by her beloved dog PJ and has so far raised almost 400 euros for the charity. 

She said: “I decided to take part in the 99k for canines walking challenge because I am incredibly passionate about supporting Dogs Trust Ireland. 

“The charity gives all dogs a chance to find a forever home and helps to rehabilitate those who had a rough past so they have a second chance with a family, so it was important to me to raise as much as I could throughout October. 

“It has been fantastic to be able to get out into the fresh air and do something positive for such a worthwhile cause. 

“On a lot of my walks, I’ve taken my dog PJ, whose favourite thing was to tear around the fields in the college campus or go down the Avenue! Sometimes we’ve also had company in the form of PJ’s sister Suzie or his best friend Scratcher which has been lovely.” 

There is still chance to donate to Niamh’s fundraiser by visiting her JustGiving page at

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