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  • MyVet successfully delivered 6 baby kits

MyVet performed a caesarian section on a guinea pig and successfully delivered six baby kits.

Nugget, a pregnant one-year-old guinea pig, arrived at MyVet FirhouseFirhouse in Dublin experiencing serious difficulties during labour.

Vet surgeon Sarah Jane Kenny took on Nugget’s treatment and says it was one of the most unusual challenges of her career so far.myvet firhouse in dublin save ginea pigs

Sarah Jane explained: “Nugget was really struggling to progress to stage two of labour, so initially we gave her an injection of oxytocin and calcium.

Unfortunately, the injections weren’t successful in helping her to move forwards in her labour and safely deliver her kits naturally.

“That was odd because she’d had a previous litter without any issues at all but now there was only one option and the decision was made to perform a C-section.

“The first big challenge was the anaesthetic for a tiny guinea pig, especially a tiny, pregnant guinea pig, as there’s a high risk involved when using a general anaesthetic.

“We placed an IV catheter and pre-medicated Nugget and she was then monitored very closely by my colleague, Shauna Moynihan, who did an excellent job. 

“Surgery was another challenge because of Nugget’s small size and lasted around 50 minutes as we worked carefully to safely deliver the six kits.

“I’m delighted to say both mother and babies are doing fine, so it was a very successful and rewarding outcome.

“The whole team did a brilliant job and took photographs to mark the occasion and we all agreed that the babies were adorable.”

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